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2013 Primed for Industrial Expansion and Revenue Growth

How Smart Business are Taking Advantage!

GlobalSpec recently released the results of its 2013 Economic Outlook Survey. They compiled the results into an HIS GlobalSpec Research Report. The report is entitled “Economic Outlook Survey 2013: State of the Industrial Marketplace” and contains some good news for manufacturers and industrial companies. Nearly half of all industrial businesses surveyed are expecting higher sales and revenue growth in 2013, and over half have expressed interest in entering into new markets as a means of expanding sales.

Sixty percent of industrial companies are focusing more time and effort on entering new markets in 2013. ~ GlobalSpec

Making the move to expand one’s business into a new market is especially attractive in times where traditional marketing channels are performing poorly. The challenge is often finding a way to reach a wider customer base, while maintaining lean operations and reducing overhead. However, according to GlobalSpec, only 28% of businesses expanding into new markets have figured out how to do so while reducing travel costs. Travel costs are a primary pain point for most industrial budgets.

So what is the secret? How are those 28% able to reach MORE customers but travel LESS?  Internet Marketing.

Research shows that engineers and technical professionals spend significant time online for work-related purposes such as searching for products and services. ~ GlobalSpec

Internet marketing provides industrial companies with a prime opportunity to brand their businesses and get their products out in front of engineers early in the buy cycle.

Internet marketing also offers high visibility in the business-to-business world, allowing industrial companies to maintain a strong presence in the marketplace without the overhead costs of extensive travel or even traditional media marketing.

Digital marketing programs offer you the best opportunities to connect with potential customers in both current and new markets, and at all stages throughout the buy cycle. ~ GlobalSpec

Bottom Line:  If you’d like to be one of those businesses that sees increased sales and successful growth in 2013, now is the time to invest in an Internet marketing strategy.

Contact Net Site MarketingTM today and let us work with you to develop an Internet marketing strategy that will help you achieve your expansion goals, within a budget that you can afford.

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